Movie Research: It

What conventions of the genre that you chose to base your final task on does this have? It has things such as suspenseful sounds, and scenes with tension to build up the suspenseful for the readers. One thing that this movie does have is dialogue, which is also an essential in our final task and a big part of it. The dialogue in our final task is build up the story and excitement/thriller of what may happen next. What conventions of the genre did the movie have that you liked? I liked the certain camera angles of the movie during certain parts. Parts when someone was trapped or cornered, the camera would be close up to them or in a high angle. I also like the costumes, lighting, and acting of the movie, which is why it’s so infamous today. What conventions of the genre did the movie have that did not appeal to you and you thinking of not filming for your final task? Unlike the movie, where there are a lot of props and different costumes, we are keeping our final task simple. A c...