Peer Review Blog
I have asked 2 of my other close friends to peer review the blog. I trusted them because they are normally very honest. I knew they wouldn't lie to me once given the task. Also, they wouldn't be really mean about. They are normally very sweet people and that's why I chose them. Their names are Lyne Thervil and Ella Agnese but she also goes by Valentina so that's what I will refer to her on here as well. I sent Lyne the video and gave her about 2 days to watch it. She forgot but it's okay cause I totally understand that she may be busy. However, when I reminded her she was very sorry and she did it right away. At first, she complimented the music playing in the background. She said it gave a very eerie feeling. She also complimented my acting skills since I was the main actor in this production. A third element she complimented was a certain scene when Nala's (the main character in the production) future self comes from the dark. Lyne said it scared her. This is great because it shows that the the elements that I wanted to implement are working to fit the genre. Overall, Lyne loved it and thought that there wasn't anything to fix with it. I sent it to Valentina and she saw it right away. She was so happy that I gave this opportunity. She loved it as well. She said it was really good. However, she did say that the transition from the first phone call to the music could have been a bit smoother. She said it kind of cuts and then restarts. After playing it back, I heard what she was talking about so I definitely agreed. I am very pleased that she caught that and brought it to my attention so then the necessary changes will be made. Also, the production was filmed on my phone but my phone is very cracked. Someone else who I do not know did comment that due to this the quality looks dirty in a sense. All of these critiques will be accounted for and I appreciate them all. Corrections will be made!
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