Production Blog

 Production Blog 

    I love the editing portion of this project. It's allows you to show creativity. I love being able to show creativity. Being creative means a lot to me. Creativity is the foundation for all life. Artists need to think outside of the box in order to bring a canvas to life. Song writers needs to come up with catchy lyrics and beats so that it's appealing to the audience. Computer techs need to be creative in order to fix whatever technical problem comes their way. The process of creativity can never be defined in a simple sentence. It's a process that can never have too many steps nor too little. Due to how broad creativity is, unique ideas are created and put into the world everyday. Without creativity we wouldn't have different model cars, variety of books to choose from, or the new iPhone 14. I am also a visual learner and enjoy the fun part in projects. The editing portion of this project will be very fun, adding all the features and transitions. It may be challenging because I haven't done something like this before. However, one thing I've learned about myself is that I preform better when it's harder. My dad always told me, "don't do something if it's easy". So, although the editing may take a while to understand, I know it will be fun. Also, with the music part I hope to make smooth. I wan the transitions to make sense and to be smooth. Overall, I am excited for this process. 


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