For this production, I was not the main editors. As I mentioned previously, I was the main actor. So my part in editing wasn't major. Although my other group members focused on it, I gave suggestions. I opened the document with the suggestions of all the editing elements that our video should include. I suggested that we should include a spilt screen for the conversation. One side of the spilt screen would slide away to create a cool effect. Especially with the titles on the screen. When creating the storyboard, I tried to visualize ways the editing would strength the production. For example, music, effects, and lighting. In a horror opening sequence, those elements are very important. I also they were very common when doing my research and seeing other horror opening sequences. I also had a plan. After filming the production, I made plans to help one of the main editors to actually edit it. I was supposed to physically be there and make literal edits. However, plans got in the way. I had to work my way around it. So, I just continued to give suggestions. Again, I was not the main editor. But this did not stop me from continuing to be a part of the process. Overall, planning was a smooth process.
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