Finding the Music
The process of the finding the music went very smoothly. I knew that I wanted music that would leave viewers on the edge of their seat. I wanted to have music that built the suspense. Not only would it make the opening sequence more realistic but it's also an element in horror films. With that in mind, I knew the music was had to mainly consist of sounds. There really shouldn't be any lyrics in the music. This element made it a lot easier to pick the music. If I had picked music that was very popular, I would have to email the artist asking for permission. That wouldn't be that big of a deal. However, for this production, it wasn't necessary. On YouTube, I searched up royalty free horror music. My group member found one before I could. When it was sent to me, I noticed it was an hour long. That was one of the first things to catch my eye because I knew there would be a variety of sounds to chose from within that one video. I listened to a few seconds of it. I knew that video was the one. I was already formulating more ideas on how the music will merge with the scenes. Also how in certain parts the music will cut off and other sounds will be inserted through the software. Overall, I am very happy with the music that was chosen. I am also very happy with how easy it was to find the music.
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