When the correction was given, I replayed the opening sequence. When I re-watched it, I noticed what needed to be fixed right away. When the phone ringed, the background music cut off. When it came back in, it sounded choppy. So, the transition needed to be fixed. As mentioned previously, I am not the main editor. However, I loved giving suggestions to help make the production more realistic. In this case, I suggested that the music remains playing. Instead of it being loud when the phone rings, the volume will be lowered. The sound of the call will be the main priority. That way, the music never really left. The volume will just increase when the ringing noise ends. This idea was put in place to allow for a smoother transition. Other than that, I didn't find any other errors. My peer reviewers didn't mention anything else on the editing portion. When I replayed it over and over again, I also didn't see anything off about it. I feel as though, the editing, lighting, and transitions all add to the production in a positive way. It also adds to the context of the story. I enjoyed how smooth this process was and how the project came out. Overall, editing was complete and done well!
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